CMPSCI 240: Reasoning About Uncertainty
David Mix Barrington
Spring, 2009
Corrections for the Textbook
The text for the course is portions of the fifth draft of my book,
A Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science, distributed as
course packets printed by Collective Copies. The first course packet,
#37, contains chapters 6 and 10 of the book.
- First page of course packet #37: the classroom location information
is incorrect, see the online syllabus.
- Page 6-41, line 4 of the code: This won't compile as written -- the
initialization of "values" to a new array should be done in the constructor.
Note that the first programming project does not use this code exactly in
any case.
- Page 6-42, exercises 3 and 4: the word "set" in the second line of each
exercise should be replaced by "sequence".
- Page 6-42, exercise 5: "zero-parameter" should be replaced by
"two-parameter", because the constructor needs to be given n and k.
- Page 10-17, Exercise 10.3.1: line 3, "six numbers correct".
- Page 10-18, Problem 10.3.2: Several typos -- line 2 "she flips", line 6
"first for all n", and line 7 "redefining Gn".
- Page 10-23, end of proof: The "spadesuit" symbol should be at the end
of the line.
- Page 10-30, exercise 1: "10,000" should have no embedded space.
- Page 16-2, solution to Exercise 6.1.4 (c): The correct answer is 52, not
53, because the solution overlooks the two occurrences of the word "Virginia".
Last modified 9 March 2009