CMPSCI 240: Reasoning About Uncertainty

David Mix Barrington

Fall, 2009

Questions and Answers on Programming Project #2

Project #2 is due electronically by 11:59 p.m., Monday 26 October 2009

Question text is in black, my answers in blue.

  • Question P2.6, posted 26 October: What's this about bugs in the code given us?

    Some students have discovered some bugs in our code for parts of the project. The less serious one is that doesn't account for the discarded cards by making sure they don't occur in the hidden cards. In this case you don't actually have to worry because the testing program uses the same bad code -- there is also new code up on the edlab site. The more serious error is that the compare function in Hand5 sometimes gets the comparison of a flush to a full-house wrong. The main effect of this is that you can get bad test results for perfectly good code.

    We're sorry this came up so late, too late for us to really fix things. Just do the best you can (don't worry too hard about a bad test if you think it might come from one of these bugs) and we will do the best we can to grade what you've done, with appropriate understanding for problems caused by the bugs.

    Last modified 26 October 2009