Question text is in black, my answers in blue.
You are right. What I meant was that if they quit, they get 2i, and
if they miss a question, they get 0 if i < 5 and 32 if i ≥ 5. (Here "i"
is the number of questions they answer correctly.) I'm very sorry for the
delay in fixing this (you can blame the flu), and we will accept answers for
either the version described in the correction the HW#7 assignment or
the (more interesting) one described here.
Note that if p = 0, she should take her $1000 from the start and not risk
any questions, and if p = 1 she should always try the next question, since she
will get all ten right and win $1,024,000. So as p varies, the correct strategy
varies. Start with p = 0.5 and see what she should do, then see how this
changes for other values of p.
Note also that we are maximimizing the expected value of the player's
winnings, in dollars, not the player's utility. In effect we are assuming that
the player is already very wealthy, so that for example $1,024,000 is worth
exactly twice as much to her as is $512,000. When Millionaire was
first designed, the problem was to give enough incentives for a player to be
willing to risk a half-million to get a million -- hence the phone-a-friend,
the 50-50, the poll-the-audience, and the chance to see the question before
deciding whether to try. In addition, on the real show the questions get
harder as you move on.
This guy
was actually
one of my roommates in my first year of grad school at MIT, though we have not
been in touch since well before he became famous.
Sure, the idea was to compute the steady state by both Monte Carlo simulation and by matrix multiplication, and you are certainly doing the latter. Whether your method is faster depends on the relationship between t and n. You have to do y matrix-vector multiplications, but I can get away with only log(t) matrix multiplications if I use repeated squaring. So it is really a matter of O(n2t) versus O(n3log(t)), either of which might be better in some circumstances.
Last modified 9 December 2009