CMPSCI 191A: Computer Science RAP Seminar

The Computer Science RAP program places up to 24 first-year computer science undergraduates on a single area of Emily Dickinson House in Orchard Hill (not Emily's actual house on Main Street). It arranges for these students to take common sections of certain courses, and offers a one-credit semimar introducting these students to various aspects of the Computer Science department. This is the home page for that seminar.

Seminar meetings are held on Mondays from 4:00-5:00 pm in room 109B of Emily Dickinson House. Attendance is required for all students -- please contact me by email if you have a good reason to miss a class.

The one-credit seminar course is pass/fail. Whether students pass or fail depends on attendance at seminars and on group presentations (on topics to be determined) to take place in the last few sessions.

Schedule for Fall 2009

Topics and Groups for Student Presentations

In the 2 November class we divided the students into groups for the presentations that will take place on 23 November and 30 November. Each group will talk (for about 20 minutes) on some aspect of life as a 2009 Computer Science RAP student -- how did the actual semester differ from your expectations, what advice would you give to the 2010 RAP students, were there things you were told (e.g., by me in summer counseling) that turned out not to be true, and so forth.

Here are the groups and topics:

  1. Technical (CS/Math) Classes: Brett, Bill, Mike D.
  2. Non-Technical (all other) Classes: Spiros, Ryan, Naveen, Nisheet, Stefan
  3. Life on the RAP Floor: Phil, Vikrant, Thomas
  4. Dorm Life in General: Chris, Jason, Nate, Simon
  5. Life on Campus: Xinyuan, Tim, Kasia, Taylor
  6. Organized Extracurriculars: Mike B., Priscilla, Amanda, Colin

Last modified 3 November 2009