CMPSCI 190DM: A Mathematical Foundation for Informatics
David Mix Barrington
Fall, 2015
Course Requirements and Grading
Your grade in CMPSCI 190DM will be based on the following:
- Midterm Exams:
There will be three midterm exams, during class sessions, as
specified on the
Each will count for 10% of the course grade. You will have 50 minutes
whatever time we can fairly squeeze out before and after the period.
I will make up a practice exam, similar in length and difficulty to
the real exam, and post it a week before the real exam. I'll then
post solutions to the practice exam with a few days to go.
- Final Exam:This will be during the May final exam period
as scheduled by the University, and will be cumulative. You will have two
hours. This exam will count for 30% of your final grade. I will give you a
practice final and solutions to it before the actual final.
- Homework/Attendance: Because our class size is small, I
need everyone to attend every class section, as nearly as possible.
Attendance is thus required, as there will be a graded activity in
every class. (I can grant exceptions for medical or other
particularly if i am informed about them in advance.)
Most of the written homework will be in sets of a few problems
in one class session for the very next session. I'll have you
present solutions to these problems in class as well as handing in a
written solution.
The attendance and homework together will count 30% of the final
grade, so that each class session will count about 1%.
- Project: Each of you will research a topic of your choice
and make a presentation to me and to the other students in class near the end
of the term. This will count 10% of the total grade.
Note: I recognize that this is a diverse class in terms
of experience and mathematical ability. To some extent
my expectations as to the amount and difficulty of what you can
may evolve over the term. You will not be competing against each
other -- anyone I judge minimally able to go on in this area will
at least a C, and anyone who fulfills all my reasonable expectations
for a student at your level will get an A.
Academic Honesty Policy
All work submitted must be your own in presentation. How much
outside help is allowed depends on the course component.
- The exams are
closed-book and no outside help is allowed. Any cheating on an exam
is grounds for an F in the course.
- For in-class assignments, almost anything goes
as a source of information, including the instructor and your classmates,
but you must still write up the solution in your own words so direct copying
is not allowed.
- With homework the situation is in between and the rule
harder to specify. You may discuss homework with other students, in
fact I encourage this as a learning experience. But again, the writeup must
be your work. Copying is not allowed, and collaboration so close that it
looks like copying is not allowed. (In general, if I get two identical
homeworks I will accept neither of them (i.e., both get F's)
and will give you a stern warning
that could lead to formal action the next time.) A good practice is to divide
your work into an "ideas phase" where you collaborate and a "writeup phase"
where you work alone -- enter the writeup phase with notes, but not written
- If you make use of a printed or on-line source for the homework, other
than specific course materials such as the textbook or web site, please
mention it in your writeup. Of course copying a solution to a problem from
the web is cheating, and this is easier for us to detect than you might think.
Last modified 10 August 2015