CMPSCI 190DM: A Mathematical Foundation for Informatics

Solutions for Practice Final Exam

David Mix Barrington

13 December 2015


  Q1: 15 points
  Q2: 15 points
  Q3: 25 points
  Q4: 30 points
  Q5: 15 points
  Q6: 25 points
Total: 100 points

Question text is in black, solutions in blue.

  • Question 1 (15): Briefly explain the difference between the terms or concepts in each of the following pairs (3 points each):

  • Question 2 (15): Determine whether each of these five statements is true or false. No explanation is needed or wanted, and there is no penalty for guessing (3 points each).

  • Question 3 (25): Vandals have sabotaged the traffic light in my neighborhood so that it now behaves randomly according to a Markov process. During every ten-second interval it is either red, yellow, or green. After an interval in which it is red, it is red in the following interval 90% of the time and green 10% of the time. After it is yellow, it is red 50% of the time and green 50% of the time. After it is green, it is green 90% of the time and yellow 10% of the time.

    There is a 0.9 chance that it will remain red each turn. If X is the desired expected value, we can compute X in terms of itself by looking at the two possible events. If it remains red on the first turn, the expected number of red turns is 1 + X. If it changes on the first term, the number of red turns is 0. So we have that X = (0.9)(1 + X) + (0.1)(0). This solves to X = 0.9 + 0.9X, 0.1X = 0.9, and thus X = 9.

  • Question 4 (30): Let G be a directed graph with node set {A, B, C} and edge set {(A, B), (A, C), (B, A), (C, A)}.

  • Question 5 (15): You are dealt three cards from a standard 52-card deck.

  • Question 6 (25): Let c be the proposition "Cardie is hungry", d be the proposition "Duncan is asleep", and q be the proposition "both dogs are quiet".

    Last modified 13 December 2015