Corrections and additions in green posted 19 September.
Correction in brown made 19 September.
Originally posted 19 September 2011, due at 11:59 p.m. EDT on Wednesday 28 September 2011, by placing .java files in your cs187 directory on your edlab account. Please place files for this assignment in a subdirectory of cs187 called "project2".
As we get questions on this assignment we will put answers on the Q&A page.
Note that you may make use of the posted solution to Project #1, with attribution.
Goals of this project:
In Project #1 we created a Maze class, containing a two-dimensional array of Cells that could be open or closed. Our task here is to determine whether a path exists from one cell in a Maze to another, and return an example of such a path if it does. Here a path is a sequence of open cells, the first being the source and the last the destination, where each two consecutive cells are neighbors, the first being one cell directly up, down, right, or left of the other.
Note that if the source and destination are the same node, then there is a valid path with one cell in it, the source/destination.
As explained in lecture, we will need to mark cells as "seen" during our search, which will require us to modify the Cell class so that each cell has an additional boolean field. We will create a new class SCell that extends Cell. However, we cannot easily have our new Maze class extend the old one, for various reasons. So we will rewrite Maze, including the moves method, to contain SCell objects instead of Cells. This should involve just replacing "Cell" with "SCell" wherever it occurs in the code for Maze.
We then just have to add two new methods to Maze:
public SCell [ ] path (
int sourceX, int sourceY, int destX, int destY
public boolean isPath (
int sourceX, int sourceY, int destX, int destY
(The return type of this method was originally
erroneously given as boolean [ ]
(The source and destination SCells were originally
to be entered as SCell objects, but the user does not have easy
access to the objects in the array of the Maze.)
Here source
and dest
must be two cells
in the calling Maze object, specified by their X
and Y coordinates in the Maze. If there is any path from
, then the path
method must return
some such path (any such path will do) and the isPath
method must return true
. If there is no such path,
then the path
method must return an array of length 0,
and the isPath
method must return false
It will be easiest to write path
first, and have
call path
As discussed in lecture, the way to implement path
is to create a Stack<SCell>
object, which will
contain a trial path starting from source
. We mark
cells as "seen" if they are in the trial path or have already been
completely processed. Completely processing a node means checking
all of its open neighbors given by the moves
To check a neighbor, we push it onto the stack and begin processing
When we finish with a node, we pop it off the stack and go on to the
next unseen open neighbor, if any, of the node now on the top of the
stack. If we complete the search without seeing dest
then no path exists.
We don't want our methods to have side effects, so make sure that
sets every cell in the maze to "unseen" when it is
Note that L&C carry out a similar project, with different data types, in Section 4.5. -- you may borrow from their code with attribution.
Last modified 19 September 2011