COMPSCI 240 (Reasoning Under Uncertainty)


Sunghoon (Ivan) Lee and Arya Mazumdar

Teaching Assistants

David Tench, Maham Haroon and James Kostas


MoWe 2:30PM - 3:45PM Marcus 131


  1. Section AA: Fr 01:25 PM - 02:15 PM EnginLb304

  2. Section AB: Fr 01:25 PM - 02:15 PM Marstn 211

  3. Section AC: Fr 12:20 PM - 01:10 PM Marstn 211

  4. Section AD: Fr 12:20 PM - 01:10 PM Marstn 220

Office Hour

Direction to LGRT T223/225: Find the elevators on the first floor of the LRGT. Take the elevators to floor 2 and go to the hallway on the right as you step out of the elevators. Rooms 223 and 225 are on the left side of this hallway. The door will be open when a TA is holding office hours, so walk right in.

Class Webpages

  1. This webpage

  2. Moodle Moodle is going to be the primary communication platform for this class.


  1. Required: Introduction to Probability, 2nd Edition by Dimitri P. Bertsekas and John N. Tsitsiklis.

Grading Plan

  1. Final 30%

  2. Midterm 1 20%

  3. Midterm 2 20%

  4. Homeworks (total 4) 20%

  5. Quiz (total 10-11) 10%


Assignments will be posted on Moodle on Mondays. They are due the following Monday. Four homeworks are to be submitted.

Homework are to be submitted by 4PM on the deadline at the CS Office Drop Box. Once graded Homework are returned, the students have exactly 1 week to let the instructor/TAs know about any grading dispute/concern. No change in grades will be recorded after one week of returning the homeworks. NO exceptions.


Two in-class midterms.

Once graded Midterms are returned, the students have exactly 1 week to let the instructors/TAs know about any grading dispute/concern. No change in grades will be recorded after one week of returning the exams. NO exceptions.


12/20/2017 We 3:30PM-5:30PM Marcus 131


Course notes will be posted on Moodle