To do the homework and projects for this class, you’ll need Scala and some course-specific software. There are few options for setting this up.

Virtual Machine

If your computer runs Windows, you need to use a virtual machine that we’ve built for the course.

  1. Download and install VirtualBox

  2. Download cmpsci220.ova (1.51 GB)

  3. Double-click on the cmpsci220.ova file you downloaded above (or, select Import Appliance from the File menu and select the file). When you do, VirtualBox will start and display a prompt called Appliance Settings. Do not change any settings. Just click the Import button. When importing completes, the virtual machine will appear in VirtualBox, as shown below:

  4. Select the CS220 virtual machine and click the Start button. If the machine starts successfully, you will see the desktop shown below:

  5. To test that everything is working correctly, start Google Chrome within the virtual machine and ensure you can browse the Web. You’ll find a link to Chrome within the start menu in the bottom-left corner:

More Information

For the curious, this virtual machine is running Lubuntu Linux 14.04 (32-bit).

Windows (Alternative)

We recommend using the virtual machine above. But, if you have trouble running a virtual machine, you can run Scala without a VM by following these directions:

  1. Install Java

    If you already have Java installed, you need to ensure that it is Java 8 or higher.

  2. Install SBT

  3. Install Cygwin.

  4. Verify that everything installed by typing sbt to start SBT from the Cygwin terminal.

Mac OS X

  1. Install Homebrew (follow the directions on the website).

  2. Install Java from the Terminal:

    brew cask install java
  3. Install SBT from the Terminal:

    brew install sbt
  4. To verify that everything installed, type sbt to start SBT.

Linux (Ubuntu)

  1. Install Java 8:

    add-apt-repository -y ppa:webupd8team/java
    apt-get update
    apt-get install -y oracle-java8-installer
  2. Install SBT:

    dpkg -i sbt-0.13.9.deb
    rm sbt-0.13.9.deb
    apt-get -f -y install
  3. To verify that everything installed, type sbt to start SBT.