The Option Type

Partial Functions and Signalling Errors

Many functions are not defined on all inputs. For example, if you’re reading input from a keyboard (i.e., a string) and want to parse the string as a number, you can apply Integer.parseInt.

scala> val n = Integer.parseInt("10")
n: Int = 10

But, if the string is not a numeral, you get an exception:

scala> val n = Integer.parseInt("ten")
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "ten"

You’ve encountered other ways of signalling errors. For example, if you lookup an unbound key in a hashtable, Java (and Scala) produce null:

> val ht = new java.util.Hashtable[Int, String]()
ht: java.util.Hashtable[Int,String] = {}
scala> ht.put(10, "hello")
scala> val r = ht.get(20)
r: String = null

Finally, here is a more insidious example. The following function calculates the point where two lines, defined by y = m1.x + b and y = m2.x + b2, intersect. The function is not defined when the two lines are parallel (i.e., when their slopes, m1 and m2, are the same):

case class Point(x: Double, y: Double)

 def inter(m1: Double, b1: Double, m2: Double, b2: Double): Point = {
   val x = (b2 - b1) / (m1 - m2)
   Point(x, m1 * x + b1)

When the slopes are the same, the denominator, m1 - m2 is 0. So, you might expect a divide-by-zero ArithmeticException. That’s not what happens, since we are calculating with Doubles:

scala> 1.0 / 0.0
res0: Double = Infinity

scala> 1 / 0

So you can’t even catch this error with an exception handler, since no exception is raised:

scala> val r = inter(0, 0, 0, 0)
r: Point = Point(NaN,NaN)

All these mechanisms for signalling errors share similar flaws:

  1. Exceptions: you have to remember to catch them, or your program will crash. You can’t tell if a function will throw an exception without carefully reading its code, which may not even be possible if it is in a library.

  2. Producing null: even worse than exceptions, because your program will will not crash on an error. When it does crash, you’ll spend a lot of time trying to figure out what produced the null.

  3. Producing other null-like values: see above.

The real problem is that the types of all these functions are not useful:

A Solution

Let’s use inter as an example and modify the function so that its type makes it obvious that it may not always return a Point. We introduce the following sealed trait:

sealed trait OptionalPoint
case class SomePoint(pt: Point) extends OptionalPoint
case class NoPoint() extends OptionalPoint

And we modify inter to produce NoPoint instead of a malformed-Point:

def inter(m1: Double, b1: Double, m2: Double, b2: Double): OptionalPoint = {
  if (m1 - m2 == 0) {
  else {
    val x = (m1 - m2) / (b2 - b1)
    Point(x, m1 * x + b1)

With this new type, any program that apply inter will be forced to check if if a point was produced:

inter(10, 3, 10, 3) match {
    case NoPoint => println("no intersection")
    case SomePoint(Point(x,y)) => println(s"intersection at ($x, $y)")

Consider another example: a type that represents an alarm clock. An alarm clock needs to track the current time and the alarm time if the alarm is set. Here is a simple representation:

case class Time(h: Int, m: Int, s: Int)
case class AlarmClock(time: Time, alarm: Time, alarmOn: Boolean)

But, with this representation, it is easy to make simple errors. For example, you may accidentally trigger the alarm when time == alarm, if you forget to check alarmOn first. A cleaner represention is to use the same pattern we used above:

sealed trait OptionalAlarm
 case class NoAlarm() extends OPtionalAlarm
 case class AlarmSet(time: Time) extends OptionalAlarm

 case class AlarmClock(time: Time, alarm: OptionalAlarm)

In both inter and AlarmClock, it is completely obvious from the type that a point is not always produced and that an alarm is not always set. Partial functions are pervasive in computing and this pattern will make your programs more robust.

But, it is annoying to define a new OptionalPoint, OptionalAlarm, OptionalFoo, etc. for each type.

The Option[A] Type

Instead, we can use generics to define the Option type:

sealed trait Option[A]
case class Some[A](x: A) extends Option[A]
case class None[A]() extends Option[A]

For example, here is inter rewritten to use Option instead of OptionalPoint:

def inter(m1: Double, b1: Double, m2: Double, b2: Double): Option[Point] = {
  if (m1 - m2 == 0) {
  else {
    val x = (m1 - m2) / (b2 - b1)
    Some[Point](Point(x, m1 * x + b1))

We can make this program even more concise by relying on type inference. We actually don’t need to supply the Point type-argument to None and Some constructors:

def inter(m1: Double, b1: Double, m2: Double, b2: Double): Option[Point] = {
  if (m1 - m2 == 0) {
  else {
    val x = (m1 - m2) / (b2 - b1)
    Some(Point(x, m1 * x + b1))

Since the result type of the function is Option[Point], Scala can infer that the type-argument to the constructors must be Point too.

Note: You must write the result type, Option[Point]. Scala cannot infer the result type you expect in this case. But, once you write the type, it will infer the type-arguments correctly in the body of inter.