
Due: Monday, Nov 25 11:59PM

For this assignment, you will write a parser, printer, and evaluator for arithmetic expressions. To do so, you will (1) learn how to read a BNF grammar, (2) learn how to use Scala’s parser-combinator library, and (3) use property-based testing, using Scalatest.


The support code for this assignment is in the cmpsci220.hw.parsing package.

You should create a series of directories that look like this:

 |-- build.sbt
 `-- project
     `-- plugins.sbt
 `-- src
     |-- main
     |   `-- scala
     |       `-- your solution goes here
     `-- test
        `|-- scala
             `-- your tests goes here

Your build.sbt file must have exactly these lines:

name := "parsing"

scalaVersion := "2.11.2"

libraryDependencies += "edu.umass.cs" %% "cmpsci220" % "1.10"

libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "2.2.1" % "test"

libraryDependencies += "org.scalacheck" %% "scalacheck" % "1.11.6" % "test"

The plugins.sbt file must have exactly this line:

addSbtPlugin("edu.umass.cs" % "cmpsci220" % "2.2")


For this assignment, you will work with a language of arithmetic expressions: numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Here are some examples of the concrete syntax of the language:

This grammar specifies the syntax of the language:

number ::= -? [0-9]+ (. [0-9]+)?

atom ::= number
       | "(" expr ")"

exponent ::= atom
           | exponent "^" atom

mul ::= exponent
      | exponent "*" mul
      | exponent "/" mul

add ::= mul
      | mul "+" add
      | mul "-" add

expr ::= add

Your first task is to implement a parser that parses strings to the Expr type. For example, parse("1 + 2") parses to Add(Num(1), Num(2)). To do so, you will use Scala’s parser combinator library with Packrat parsing.

Your second task is to implement a printer, which returns strings that represent arithmetic expressions. An important property of the printer is its relationship with the parser:

parseExpr(print(e)) == e, for all expressions e

It is tedious to write test cases for this property, since there are so many different kinds of expressions. Instead, we use use ScalaCheck to test this property on randomly generated expressions.

Finally, for completeness, you’ll write an evaluator for arithmetic expressions.

Programming Task

You can use this template for your solution:

import cmpsci220.hw.parsing._
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._

object ArithEval extends ArithEvalLike {
  def eval(e: Expr): Double = {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented")

object ArithParser extends ArithParserLike {

  // number: PackratParser[Double] is defined in ArithParserLike

  lazy val atom: PackratParser[Expr] = {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented")

  lazy val exponent: PackratParser[Expr] = {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented")

  lazy val add: PackratParser[Expr] = {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented")

  lazy val mul: PackratParser[Expr] = {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented")

  lazy val expr: PackratParser[Expr] = {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented")

object ArithPrinter extends ArithPrinterLike {
  def print(e: Expr): String = {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented")

We suggest proceeding in the following order:

  1. Implement ArithEval. This is a simple recursive function.
  2. Implement ArithParser by translating the grammar provided above to Scala’s parser combinators, as discussed in the Odersky book.
  3. Implement ArithPrinter.

The build.sbt file includes ScalaCheck, which you’re free to use in testing. (You’ll have to define generators as part of the test suite.)

Check Your Work

Here is a trivial test suite that simply checks to see if you’ve defined the Solution object with the right type:

class TrivialTestSuite extends org.scalatest.FunSuite {

  test("several objects must be defined") {
    val parser: cmpsci220.hw.parsing.ArithParserLike = ArithParser
    val printer: cmpsci220.hw.parsing.ArithPrinterLike = ArithPrinter
    val eval: cmpsci220.hw.parsing.ArithEvalLike = ArithEval


You should place this test suite in src/test/scala/TrivialTestSuite.scala. The tests must pass with no changes to the file.

Testing and Review

For this assignment there will be two testing and review phases worth 5% of your grade each (i.e., 10% total).

Submission Due: Nov 20, 23:59 Reviews Due: Nov 22, 23:59

Create a test suite called GradedParserTestSuite.scala. In it, place 5–10 interesting test cases for the ArithParser and ArithPrinter object methods. Write tests that try to cover the space of interesting inputs to these methods.

Submitting to Captain Teach

You can login to Captain Teach using your e-mail address. To ensure you are logged into this account, first visit:

Once you have authenticated your account visit:

Submit your GradedParserTestSuite.scala to the parsing assignment.

After uploading your work, you will be given an opportunity to preview and change it. Once you are satisfied with your submission, be sure to click the Publish button for your assignment at the bottom of the screen.

After submitting, you will be assigned to one of three groups:

Final Submission and Survey

After you have completed your assignment, you will need to return to Captain Teach to turn in your final solution. This is the same file you upload to moodle. You will not be able to submit this to Captain Teach if you have pending reviews to complete. After submitting your final implementation, you will be given a survey based on the group you were assigned for reviews. Complete this survey and submit it.

Submit Your Work

Use the submit command within sbt to create submission.tar.gz. Upload this file to Moodle.