
Due: Monday, Sep 9 11:59PM


For this assignment, you will develop types and functions to represent an alarm clock. You will first write functions over a Time type that we have defined for you. You will then use this type to define the AlarmClock type yourself and several functions over AlarmClock. Finally, you will develop functions to draw AlarmClocks using a simple graphics graphics library.


Before you start programming, you need to complete a few preliminary steps.

At the top of clocks.scala, add these two lines of code:

import cmpsci220._

These two lines load some simple libraries you will use for this assignment. To ensure that they work correctly, run the following at the command line:

scala220 clocks.scala

There shoud be no error messages.


To build the alarm clock, we first need a type to represent the current time. Your program should use the following case class to do so:

case class Time(hours : Int, minutes : Int, seconds : Int)

The Time type has three members that represent time in hour, minutes, and seconds, using integers. However, not all Time values are meaningful representations of time. Here are some examples of valid times:

val ex1 = Time(0, 1, 0)
val ex2 = Time(7, 23, 19)
val ex3 = Time(23, 50, 0) // We are using military time

But, the following values are invalid:

val ex5 = Time(0, -1, 0)
val ex6 = Time(7, 0, 200)

Write a function called isValidTime that returns true if the time is valid and false otherwise. The isValidTime function must have the following type:

def isValidTime(time : Time) : Boolean

Write a function called tick that takes a time-value as an argument and evaluates to a new time that is one second in the future. The tick function must have the following type:

def tick(time : Time) : Time

Here are two test cases that the function should pass. You must write more tests yourself:

test("8:30:01 is after 8:30:00") {
  assert(tick(Time(8, 30, 0)) == Time(8, 30, 1))

test("8:30:00 is after 8:29:59") {
  assert(tick(Time(8, 29, 59)) == Time(8, 30, 0))

You should assume that the argument to tick is a valid time and ensure that the result of tick is also a valid time.


An alarm clock must keep track of (1) the current time, (2) the alarm time, and (3) if the alarm is on. Design a case class called AlarmClock to do so:

case class AlarmClock(/*... add members here ... */)

Write and test the following functions that manipuate AlarmClock values.

// Maps a time to an AlarmClock with the alarm turned off
def toAlarmClock(time : Time) : AlarmClock

// Produces the time stored in the alarm clock
def getTime(clock : AlarmClock) : Time

// Produces true if the alarm is on
def isAlarmOn(clock : AlarmClock) : Boolean

// Produces a new AlarmClock with the alarm set to the specified time
def setAlarm(clock : AlarmClock, alarmTime : Time) : AlarmClock

// Produces a new AlarmClock that (1) has advanced the current time by one
// second and (2) has the alarm turned on
def tickAlarmClock(clock : AlarmClock) : AlarmClock

Check Your Work: From the command-line, run the command:

check220 check clocks step1

Drawing Clock Hands

Write a function called drawHands that takes a Time and evaluates to an Image of clock hands. (Ignore the clock face for the moment). The drawHands function must have the following type:

def drawHands(time : Time) : Image

You will need to use the following functions from the graphics library:

Animate the Clock

Now that you have a function to draw a clock, you can write a function to tick the clock every second. You can use the animate function in the graphics library to do so. Write a function with the following type.

def animateAlarmClock(start: AlarmClock): AlarmClock

The body should call the animate function from the graphics library. Call tick to update the clock every second and use the drawHands function display the clock.

The animate function has many optional arguments that you don’t need to specify. For example, here how to use animate to animate Time values:

def animateClock(startTime : Time) : Time = {
          width = 400,
          height = 400,
          draw = drawHands,
          tick = tick,
          refreshRate = 1)

You can adapt this code to animate AlarmClocks instead.

Check Your Work: From the command-line, run the command:

check220 check clocks step2

Hand In

From the command-line, run the command:

check220 tar clocks final

This command will create the file submission-clocks-final.tgz. Submit this file using Moodle.