
Instructor: Amir Houmansadr
Course number: CMPSCI660 @ University of Massachusetts Amherst
Class hours: TuTh 11:30am-12:45pm
Class location: 142 Computer Science Building
Office hours: Thursdays 3pm-4pm
Office location: CS 206
E-mail: amir (at)
(Note: make sure to have your email Subject started with [660])


This course provides an in-depth examination of the fundamental principles of information assurance. While the companion course for undergraduates is focused on practical issues, the syllabus of this course is influenced strictly by the latest research. We will cover a range of topics, including authentication, social networks, anonymity systems, malware, intrusion detection, intellectual property protection, and more.

For each class session:
  1. Students are expected to thoroughly study the assigned paper.
  2. You should submit a review for the assigned paper on Moodle (the review format will be discussed in class).
  3. You are expected to engage in class discussions.
Grading is done based on these items: (summarized in the following table)
  1. Projects: You should form a team of 2 Students and work with the instructor to choose a research project. You will present the project at the end of the semester, and you need to submit a 6-pages report.
  2. Presentation: Each student will do a single presentation during the semester
  3. Paper reviews: Reviews of the assigned papers turned in on Moodle.
  4. Participation: Active participation in class discussions.
Paper reviews 20%
Research Presentation 25%
Class Participation 15%
Final Project Presentation 20%
Final Project Report 20%


Undergraduate degree in computer science, or CS460 or 466, or equivalent.


Here are some of the ethical rules that must be practiced by the students. If you are uncertain about an action being ethical please contact the instructor. You can also read UMass's Academic Honesty Policy.
  • Paper reviews must be prepared independently. Students may collaborate on the project if agreed by the instructor.
  • Presentation slides may be borrowed from others (e.g., authors of the papers), given proper acknowledgement.
  • As a general rule, students are not permitted to submit the same work for credit in multiple courses (e.g., a project submitted for another course, or an already published paper). Extensions to previous projects may be accepted after discussing with the instructor.
  • Plagiarism is a serious crime! If you use someone else's result in your report make sure to give proper reference. Exact wording should be reported inside quotation marks.

Useful links