Bringing Provenance to its Full Potential Using Causal Reasoning
by Alexandra Meliou, Wolfgang Gatterbauer, Dan Suciu
Provenance information is often used to explain query results and outcomes, exploit results of prior reasoning, and establish trust in data. The generality of the notion makes it applicable in a variety of domains, including data warehousing [7], curated databases [4], and various scientific applications. The recent introduction of causal reasoning in a database setting exploits provenance in ways that expand its applicability to more complex problems, and establish new directions, making a step towards achieving provenance's full potential. In this paper we explore through a variety of examples how causality improves on provenance information, discuss the challenges of building causality able systems, and propose some new directions.
Alexandra Meliou, Wolfgang Gatterbauer, and Dan Suciu, Bringing Provenance to its Full Potential Using Causal Reasoning, in 3rd USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP), 2011.
    Abstract = {Provenance information is often used to explain query results
    and outcomes, exploit results of prior reasoning, and establish trust in
    data. The generality of the notion makes it applicable in a variety of
    domains, including data warehousing [7], curated databases [4], and
    various scientific applications. The recent introduction of causal
    reasoning in a database setting exploits provenance in ways that expand
    its applicability to more complex problems, and establish new directions,
    making a step towards achieving provenance's full potential. In this paper
    we explore through a variety of examples how causality improves on
    provenance information, discuss the challenges of building causality able
    systems, and propose some new directions.},
    Author = {Meliou, Alexandra and Gatterbauer, Wolfgang and Suciu, Dan},
    Booktitle = {3rd {USENIX} Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP)},
    Title = {\href{}{Bringing Provenance to its Full Potential Using Causal Reasoning}},
    Venue = {TaPP},
    address = {Heraklion, Greece},
    month = jun,
    Year = {2011}}