Collecting Data on Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT)Subhransu MajiThis page contains details of several interfaces I wrote for collecting image annotations using Amazon Mechanical Turk. These jobs can be launched using the 'external hit' specification of the AMT command line interface. You can donwload the command line interaface for AMT for the unix platform here. Here is the list of interfaces written mostly in Java/Javascript using the canvas tag and relies on url-encoding to pass parameters such as image names, etc., to the GUI. To view the code for the interfaces, you can view-source in any modern browser.
Here is a short report describing the details of the interface and other design choices.
Here is a presentation I gave at RAD Lab, Berkeley and Intel Research, Berkeley on the same.
Here is a social experiment I did about measuring the influence of external sources of information on how people rate abstract art on AMT. This was a course project
in the Social Choice and Networks, Fall'10 course taught by Elchanan Mossel. The data collected is being used in several projects. See the relevant publications to access the data. In addition please cite the following if you use the data and/or the inferface for your work: @techreport{Maji:EECS-2011-79, Author = {Maji, Subhransu}, Title = {Large Scale Image Annotations on Amazon Mechanical Turk}, Institution = {EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley}, Year = {2011}, Month = {Jul}, URL = {}, Number = {UCB/EECS-2011-79}, } |