New England Computer Vision Workshop, 2015

Welcome to the first New England Computer Vision Workshop to be held in UMass Amherst. The idea is to bring together researchers in computer vision and related areas for an informal exchange of ideas through a full day of presentations and posters.
We are expecting around 75 people from various universities and industries in the New England area (List of attendees).
Participation is free. Please register here if you have not already done so.
09:30 - 10:00 | Breakfast with coffee |
10:00 - 10:10 | Welcome |
10:10 - 12:00 | Morning talks |
12:00 - 01:00 | Lunch at the blue wall |
01:00 - 03:00 | Poster session (with coffee) |
03:00 - 05:00 | Afternoon talks |
Detailed schedule is here (updated 11/19).
Follow the directions on this page:
If you are driving here, you can park your car in Lot 45, next to the CS building (MAP). Directly park your car there and check in with the CS frontdesk to obtain a parking permit. The permit should be displayed on your car for the entire day.
If you plan to come a day ahead, or want to stay an extra day, there are many options in the Amherst area (Lodging options).
The workshop is being organized by Erik-Learned Miller and Subhransu Maji, and is being sponsored by :