

d4j-monitor.test -- monitor class loader while running a single test class or test method.


  d4j-monitor.test -t single_test [-w work_dir] [-s test_suite]


This script runs a single test class or test method and monitors the class loader during execution. The script reports all source and test classes that were loaded during the execution of single_test. It also writes all loaded source and test classes to loaded_classes.src and loaded_classes.test, respectively.


-t single_test

Run this single test and monitor the class loader. Format: <test_class>[::<test_method>].

-w work_dir

The working directory of the checked-out project version (optional). Default is the current directory.

-s test_suite

The archive file name of an external test suite (optional). The default test suite is the developer-written test suite of the checked-out project version. See Test suites.

Test suites

An external test suite has to be provided as an archive of test sources. Format of the archive file name:


