<000001000> <000001000>Ferret FAQ <000001000>

Ferret FAQ

<000001000>Q: How do you convert a sas transport dataset back to a regular sas dataset ? <000001000>

<000001000>A: The sas transport dataset that comes from FERRET is created with the export engine and proc copy. Since the sas transport dataset from FERRET is created with the xport engine and proc copy, only xport & proc copy can be used to convert the transport dataset to a regular sas dataset. Listed below is the sas code needed to convert the transport dataset to a regular sas dataset.
<000000001> <000001000>

<000001000>libname trans xport "c:\temp\q16363.trn";
<000001000>libname new "c:\temp";

<000001000>proc copy in=trans out=new;
<000000001> <000001000>

<100001000>The directory and filename listed in the sas code above are used for example. <000001000>

<000001000>Q:I am trying to extract <111101000> eight items from the CPS Microdata. But every time I hit the enter <101001000> button on the second item, the first item gets unhighlighted. <101001000> Is there something wrong with my machine, or can I only get one <111001000> item at a time? (I am using Netscape on my PC). <000001000>

<000001000>A: In MS-Windows, <101001000> to select multiple items from a multiple list box, you need to hold down <111001000> the CTRL key and click the mouse button on each item you want to select. <111001000> You can also unselect a single item by holding down the CTRL key and <101001000> clicking the mouse on that item. <000001000>
<010001000>Q: I tried to send a suggestion directly to someone. The mail windows <111001000> came up, but when I sent the mail I got the following Netscape <101001000> error messages: <000001000>
<000001000>	The SMTP mail host has not been defined
<000001000>	Unable to locate host
<101001000> What is wrong? <000001000>

<010001000>A: You haven't declared your Netscape mail proxy server. To do this, <101001000> from Netscape: <000001000>
<000001000>	Go to "Options" (ALT O).
<000001000>	Choose "Preferences...".
<000001000>	In the upper drop down box, choose "Mail and Proxies".
<000001000>	Fill in your Mail Server name (probably Mail), your name, 
<000001000>		and your Email address.
<000001000>	Then click on "OK".

<000001000> <000000001>