The Multiple Multiplicative Factor Model For Collaborative Filtering Benjamin Marlin and Richard Zemel University of Toronto ABSTRACT: We present a discrete latent variable model called the Multiple Multiplicative Factor (MMF) model. The MMF model has natural generative semantics for data where multiple factors may influence each element of a data vector. A data vector is represented in the latent space as a vector of factors that have discrete, non-negative expression levels. The distribution over values for a data element is a product of each factor's prediction for that element, taking into account the degree to which the factor is expressed. The latent, discrete factor vectors, and multiplicative generative semantics of the MMF model make it distinct from other generative latent variable models such as factor analysis, latent Dirichlet allocation, and the mixture of multinomials model. We present empirical results from the collaborative filtering domain showing that a binary/multinomial MMF model outperforms a wide range of other rating prediction methods on two data sets.