x Sridhar Mahadevan

Sridhar Mahadevan


Research Professor

Director, Adobe Research

Fellow of AAAI

Co-Director, Autonomous Learning Laboratory

Research Interests

Artificial General Intelligence


firstname.i.lastname AT gmail

Administrative Assistant: Sarah Byrne

I am a Research Professor at the Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences, and a Director at Adobe Research. My current research involves developing a new framework for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) using categories and functors. For more details, see my forthcoming AAAI 2025 Tutorial in Philadelphia.

AAAI 2025 Tutorial: Thinking with Functors: Category Theory for A(G)I (February 26, 8:30am - 12:30 p.m., Philadelphia)

A Higher Algebraic K-Theory for Causal Inference (preprint under review)

Listen to a podcast of the above paper, courtesy of Notebook LM

Universal Imitation Games (a categorical formulation of AGI)

GAIA: Categorical Foundations of Generative AI, Arxiv

YouTube Video of IISc Lectures on Universal Imitation Games