Effectiveness and Detection of Denial-of-Service Attacks in Tor

After an extended review process, my paper Effectiveness and Detection of Denial-of-Service Attacks in Tor, written in collaboration with Norman Danner and Danny Krizanc at Wesleyan, and a very dedicated, very talented undergraduate, Sam DeFabbia-Kane, has been published in the ACM Transactions on Information and System Security.

This manuscript is a much extended and improved version of the paper we published at Financial Cryptography 2009. In it, we examine the denial-of-service attack that Borisov et al. previously proposed, both through analysis and simulation. We also describe two algorithms for detecting such attacks, one deterministic and proved correct, the other probabilistic and verified in simulation.

Marc Liberatore
Marc Liberatore
Senior Teaching Faculty

My research interests include anonymity systems, file and network forensics, and computer science pedagogy.