Synthesizing partial component-level behavior models from system specifications
by Ivo Krka, Yuriy Brun, George Edwards, Nenad Medvidovic
Initial system specifications, such as use-case scenarios and properties, only partially specify the future system. We posit that synthesizing partial component-level behavior models from these early specifications can improve software development practices. In this paper, we provide a novel algorithm for deriving a Modal Transition System (MTS) for individual system components from system-level scenario and property specifications. These generated MTSs capture the possible component implementations that (1) necessarily provide the behavior required by the scenarios, (2) restrict behavior forbidden by the properties, and (3) leave the behavior that is neither explicitly required nor forbidden as undefined. We also show how our algorithm helps discover potential design flaws.
Ivo Krka, Yuriy Brun, George Edwards, and Nenad Medvidovic, Synthesizing partial component-level behavior models from system specifications, in Proceedings of the 7th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), 2009, pp. 305–314.
Extended and revised version of "From system specifications to component behavioral models" in ICSE NIER 2009.
  author = {Ivo Krka and Yuriy Brun and George Edwards and Nenad Medvidovic},
  title =
  partial component-level behavior models from system specifications}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th Joint Meeting of the European Software
  Engineering Conference and ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of
  Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE)},
  venue = {ESEC/FSE},
  month = {August},
  year = {2009},
  date = {24--28},
  pages = {305--314},
  address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
  doi = {10.1145/1595696.1595756},
  accept = {$\frac{32}{217} \approx 15\%$},

  note = {Extended and revised version of~\ref{Krka09icse-nier}.

  previous = {Extended and revised version of "From system specifications to
  component behavioral models" in ICSE NIER 2009.},

  abstract = {Initial system specifications, such as use-case scenarios and
  properties, only partially specify the future system. We posit that
  synthesizing partial component-level behavior models from these early
  specifications can improve software development practices. In this paper, we
  provide a novel algorithm for deriving a Modal Transition System (MTS) for
  individual system components from system-level scenario and property
  specifications. These generated MTSs capture the possible component
  implementations that (1) necessarily provide the behavior required by the
  scenarios, (2) restrict behavior forbidden by the properties, and (3) leave
  the behavior that is neither explicitly required nor forbidden as undefined.
  We also show how our algorithm helps discover potential design flaws.},

  fundedBy = {NSF ITR-0312780, NSF CSR-0720612, NSF SRC-0820170},