CS 692P: Hot Topics in Software Engineering Research

Fall 2018



CS 692P is a seminar-style course that introduces students to the cutting edge literature in software engineering and programming languages.


Room:Lederle Graduate Research Center (LGRC), room A310
Lecture:Wednesday 11:15AM–12:05PM

Yuriy Brun
office: 346 computer science building
office hours: Tuesday 11:15PM–12:00PM


Each student is responsible for (1) suggesting papers to read, and (2) presenting one paper during the semester.


(subject to change; check regularly)

week date paper presenter
Week 1
Sep 12 Organizational meeting Yuriy
Week 2
Sep 19 A General Path-Based Representation for Predicting Program Properties Emily First
Week 3
Sep 26 Rousillon: Scraping Distributed Hierarchical Web Data Subbu Rongali
Week 4
Oct 3 NO CLASS (Attend Sarah Chasins' talk at 4PM in CS 151 instead
Week 5
Oct 10 Practical AJAX Race Detection for JavaScript Web Applications Joseph Spitzer
Week 6
Oct 17 Component-Based Synthesis for Complex APIs Donald Pinckney
Week 7
Oct 24 Lessons Learned from Two Cohorts of Personal Informatics Self-Experiments Rico Angell
Week 8
Oct 31 Enlightened Debugging Brittany Johnson
Week 9
Nov 7 Someone Like Me: How Does Peer Parity Influence Participation of Women on Stack Overflow? Angela Upreti
Week 10
Nov 14 NO CLASS (Monday schedule)
Week 11
Nov 21 NO CLASS (Thanksgiving)
Week 12
Nov 28 Human Perceptions of Fairness in Algorithmic Decision Making: A Case Study of Criminal Risk Prediction Osman Din
Week 13
Dec 5 EffectiveSan: Type and Memory Error Detection using Dynamically Typed C/C++ Abhinav Jangda
Week 14
Dec 12 Better test cases for better automated program repair Manish Motwani

Nondiscrimination policy:

This class includes and welcomes all students regardless of age, background, citizenship, disability, sex, education, ethnicity, family status, gender, gender identity, geographical origin, language, military experience, political views, race, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and work experience. Our discussions and learning will benefit from these and other diverse points of view. Any kind of language or action displaying bias against or discriminating against members of any group, or making members of any group uncomfortable are against the mission of this course and will not be tolerated. The instructor welcomes discussion of this policy, and encourages anyone experiencing concerns to speak with him.

Academic integrity:

Students are allowed to work together on all aspects of this class. Students are encouraged to use the Internet, literature, and other publicly-available resources, but must disclose whenever such materials were used, e.g., in the preparation of the in-class presentation.

The students should familiarize themselves with the UMass Academic Honesty Policy and Guidelines for Classroom Civility and Respect. These policies and guidelines apply to this class.

Students who violate University standards of academic integrity are subject to disciplinary sanctions, including failure in the course and suspension from the university. Since dishonesty in any form harms the individual, other students, and the university, policies on academic integrity have been and will be strictly enforced.