[Intro to NLP, CMPSCI 585, Fall 2014]

Topics for final exam

Topics from all semester are eligible to appear on the final exam. We will tend to focus on things covered in problem sets, exercises, Piazza discussions, or lecture.

You may bring a single “cheat sheet” to the final exam, if you like: a single sheet of paper with notes, front and back.

Among the topics after the midterm (or were emphasized after the midterm), here are ones which may appear on the final exam. If it was covered after the midterm but doesn’t appear here, it won’t be on the exam.

Head rules example

Here are some head rules that go along with a binary CFG grammar, where the head child phrase is starred. (The Collins head rules are basically similar, but for more complicated PTB-style grammars.)

Given a specification of head rules and a parse tree, extract head words for each phrase, and word-word dependencies. Example:

(S  (NP (N Bob)) 
    (VP (V loved) 
        (NP (NP (D the) (N show)) 
            (PP (P on) (NP (N Broadway))))))

With the above rules, here’s the headedness marked up on the tree with a “*“, in places where there are siblings,

(S  (NP (N Bob)) 
    (VP (V* loved) 
        (NP (NP (D the) (N* show)) 
            (PP (P* on) (NP (N Broadway))))))

Here are head words for some constituents, where the head word is starred,

The unlabeled dependency graph implied by the above head rules, is the following edgelist, in GOVERNOR -> DEPENDENT format: