Sunday, December 11, 2011

9:15 and 11 a.m.

What is UU Music?


* Please stand as you are able.

WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS                                           David Mix Barrington


PRELUDE                from Versets for Organ: Let Us Be Patient and                Daniel Pinkham

                                       Watch  --  Blest Be the Ties  --  Rise Up Now

                                       and Be Merry


OPENING WORDS                                                                                                                      


*KINDLING THE CHALICE (unison)                                      Mattison / OÕDay Family (9:15)

May this flame,                                                                                                                    

symbol of transformation since time began,

            fire our curiosity,

            strengthen our wills,

            and sustain our courage

as we seek what is good within and around us.     (Bets Wienecke)


*HYMN                                                                                                                Old Hundredth

From all that dwell below the skies            De todos bajo el gran sol

Let songs of hope and faith arise               Surja esperanza, fe, amor

Let peace, goodwill on earth be sung        Verdad, y belleza cantando,

Through every land, by every tongue        De cada tierra, cada voz.


STORY                      ÒChristmas EveÓ from Frog and Toad All Year (Arnold Lobel)


*HYMN                    Forward through the Ages                                                                 #114




OFFERTORY          Aubade in F major, op. 45/1                                                Arthur Foote


SINGING THE CHILDREN OUT (children leave for R.E. classes)                            tune: #413

                                    Go now in peace, go now in peace

                                    May the spirit of love surround you

                                    Everywhere, everywhere you may go.  (repeat)


MEDITATION AND SILENCE                                                                                                  


INTERLUDE           The Evening Tide                                                              Elaine Apthorp

                                    Elaine Apthorp, singer


READING                From the Two UU Hymnals

INTERLUDE           From a Distance                                                                         Julie Gold

                                    David Mix Barrington, singer


READING                The Power of Song (Pete Seeger)


*HYMN                    As We Come Marching, Marching                                                   #109


REFLECTION 1      How Do UUÕs Make Music?


INTERLUDE           Let the Mystery Be                                                                  Iris deMent

                                    Elaine Apthorp, singer


REFLECTION 2      What Music Do UUÕs Make?


INTERLUDE           Jerry in Heaven                                                                     Arjuna Greist

                                    Arjuna Greist, singer


REFLECTION 3      Why Do UUÕs Make Music?


*HYMN                    We Are a Gentle, Angry People                                                        #170




POSTLUDE             from Versets: And All the Bells Rang Out the Good News      Pinkham



We welcome you this morning – from first time visitors to long time members and friends. WeÕd like to remind you that wearing a name tag gives everyone a chance to greet you by name, and helps newcomers feel more at home. Thanks to our ushers, greeters and members of the Welcome Team.

Our services are also audio-transmitted to the Parlor, next to the Great Hall. With toys and comfortable furniture, this is a good space for parents to hear the service if a baby or young child needs to be active. Please remember that some in the congregation, particularly those with hearing loss, may have trouble listening if there are distractions in the Great Hall.

Please join us for coffee and our Partner Church Bake Sale in the Parlor, after each service, hosted by the Partner Church Committee.


TodayÕs service was designed by David Mix Barrington and Mike Nagy, who are grateful to Unitarian Society members Elaine Apthorp and Arjuna Greist for their contributions.



This morningÕs flowers are given by Kate Collins in loving memory of Allan R. Davis.